The Mystery of the forsaken Mariner - update....

Dearest Emily,

Progress had been a slow meander of late, until these last few exhilarating days.

We enjoyed the pleasant luxury of life at a becalmed trot, exploring the beautiful territories of south west England in all its exquisite glory. The weather delayed our initial exploits, occasionally with severe authority, however the sun broke through with its wondrous life galvanizing greatness and made the hilltop rambling bearable again.

So this brief letter to you my love is a quick update on the case, I am certain you are in eager anticipation to hear our news.

The complexities of our recent discovery have yet to be fully revealed. It is clear however, that what our good Sir Drake buried over there in the Americas was no standard trove of treasure. We are not talking gold and silver here, but something more complex, more powerful, powerful enough to change the fortunes of a tiny island on the edge of the civilized world into the greatest power ever to grace the planet.

My first thoughts were of those ancient mines, perhaps in the keen enthusiasm for prosperous trade, the need for tin led to a chance discovery, buried deep within the mines, hacked away with primitive tools in meager light.

Or perhaps it is a more sinister a thing, something of black magic, As a Tolkien movie adaptation once suggested…

β€œYou fear to go into those mines. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum... shadow and flame”

or maybe something utterly worse, uncomprehending…. a secret?

It is abundantly clear that we are not alone in our desire to discover the truth of this matter. Our interest is being monitored, and I fear our adversaries may be willing to stoop significantly low to achieve their goals.

With that in mind, we have assumed false identities during our travels, I shall not disclose our new personas here for fear of interception, but I think you will get a real kick out of them when you hear! :)

Well my darling, that is all I have time for, I head for the library to continue this delicate research. We will be in touch again soon. I hope your party will reach us in the next few weeks and trial excavation may begin to assist our project.

Keep a keen eye on the Twitter page and Instagram accounts for pictorial updates, I shall do my best to update as often as possible.

With all our eternal love

Craig and Audrey xxx